Pasquier Brioche Tressee Nature 630g

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Our Brioche Plain Braided Pasquier 700 g will delight your guests with its appetizing golden color on the deck. This delicious buttery brioche is made with wheat flour and natural dough cream. It can be prepared in different tarts, or simply dipped in the melting butter. In a 34 g format, this breakfast or dessert pastry is sold individually for you to enjoy at home or share with friends. This Brioche from Pasquier has been made using a traditional recipe and method. It is infused with a pure butter and breadcrumb filling which is then encased in the brioche dough. Packed and delivered fresh, this good quality Brioche will serve 6 to 8 people and can be frozen if required once your order has been received. In a world that swings between sugar and fat, Pasquier is the happy medium. It's light, airy and neither too sweet nor too fatty. Pasquier Brioche is filled with lovely toasted notes from it's secret recipe of natural baked ingredients. Enjoy with morning coffee or tea. Slice thick and enjoy like any other baguette. This 700g plain brioche is perfect for the keen chef. Featuring a traditional French design and made with high quality ingredients, this long-lasting product is ideal for making delicious treats.

21 May. Estimated arrival
18 May. Order placed
19-20 May. Order dispatches
21 May. Delivered!

Ingrédients : Ingrédients: Farine de BLE 44% - OEUFS frais 14% - Levain 11% (farine de BLE 6%, eau, sel) - Sucre - BEURRE pâtissier - Huile de colza - Levure - Rhum - Emulsifiant: mono et diglycérides d'acides gras - Sel - GLUTEN de BLE - Epaississant: gomme guar - Extrait de carotte - Arôme naturel - Agent de traitement de farine: acide ascorbique - Protéines de LAIT Ce produit contient : OEUFS, GLUTEN, BLÉ, BEURRE, LAIT. Ce produit a pu être en contact avec : ARACHIDE, FRUITS A COQUE, SOJA.

Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g
valeur énergétique (kJ)
1488 kJ / 100 g
valeur énergétique (kcal)
354 kcal / 100 g
matières grasses
12 g / 100 g
acides gras saturés
5.8 g / 100 g
53 g / 100 g
12 g / 100 g
fibres alimentaires
1.5 g / 100 g
8 g / 100 g
1.1 g / 100 g
Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 30 g
valeur énergétique (kJ)
446 kJ / 30 g
valeur énergétique (kcal)
106 kcal / 30 g
matières grasses
3.6 g / 30 g
acides gras saturés
1.7 g / 30 g
15.9 g / 30 g
3.6 g / 30 g
fibres alimentaires
0.45 g / 30 g
2.4 g / 30 g
0.33 g / 30 g

A consommer de préférence avant la date indiquée sur l'emballage. Ce produit doit être conservé dans un endroit sec et tempéré. Bien refermer le sachet après usage.

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