Knorr Secret D'Aromes plein sud 60g

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (1)

To make tasting the sauce a better experience, Knorr Secret D'Araƒ'mes Plein sud has spices and herbs typical of healthy Mediterranean cuisine. The perfect seasoning for all fish, it combines the best qualities of both traditional and modern flavors. Secret d'Ara´mes is Knorr's new range of flavor-enhancing bases. Made from vegetable stock, they are a tasty way to use less salt in your dishes. The range contains 90 varieties of pre-made flavor bases including bouillons, seasoning powders, flavored oils and sauces that can be used to make a wide variety of dishes. Start your day the secret d'araƒme way - the Knorr way. With the traditional method of cooking and authentic ingredients chosen by our master taste testers, this flavor provides guests with a taste experience that has become a well-established part of French culinary tradition. Ideal for barbecues, simply stir into pasta, grains, sauces & vegetables for a magical aroma: the sweet & spicy secret of the southern sun. Fresh and light tuna fillets which nature has colored with tomatoes, oranges and a garnish of fresh fruits: that is the very original version from the south of Italy. Tasty South-West infused with the creamy taste of Knorr White Sauce.

21 May. Estimated arrival
18 May. Order placed
19-20 May. Order dispatches
21 May. Delivered!

Ingrédients : sel, sucre, exhausteurs de goût : glutamate, inosinate et guanylate de sodium, origan¹ : 6,3%, huile de maïs aux épices et aromates (huile de maïs, extrait de basilic, extrait d’ail, extrait d’oignon, extrait d’origan, extrait de poivre), persil¹ : 3,3%, graisse de palme, oignon¹ : 3%, extrait de levure, basilic¹ : 2,7%, CELERI-RAVE¹, feuilles de laurier : 0,8%, romarin : 0,8%, noix de muscade. Peut contenir : GLUTEN, LAIT, MOUTARDE, ŒUF, SOJA. ¹Ingrédients issus de l'agriculture durable : 16,2%.

Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g
valeur énergétique (kJ)
979 kJ / 100 g
valeur énergétique (kcal)
230 kcal / 100 g
matières grasses
7.5 g / 100 g
acides gras saturés
2.8 g / 100 g
23 g / 100 g
19 g / 100 g
fibres alimentaires
5.2 g / 100 g
12 g / 100 g
44.6 g / 100 g

À conserver dans un endroit sec. Fermer après usage.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Keith Jager
Difficult to find…found

This Knoor seasoning is difficult to find in the UK at a sensible price…so happy when I found it on Mon Panier Latin…combined with a couple of other French classic ingredients the shipping cost made sense and I was able to satisfy my uniquely French ingredient obsession…Superb…..!!