D'Aucy Macedoine deja egouttee la boite de 290g

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The traditional products of meat processing in Macedonia wide are well known. The fully natural products, to this day, continue to be produced exclusively by the hand and know-how of Macedonian people. The entire production process, from the slaughtering of an animal and meat processing, has been passed on from one generation to the next for centuries. We offer you today the highest-quality traditional products - D'Aucy Macedonia. Being an old-fashioned table, you know that Napolitan juicy, the one rich in flavor with a crispy crust, is a dish that can not be prepared at home. Now with D'Aucy Macedonia, you can make this great traditional dish any time! Through a simple preparation and cooking technique, D'Aucy Macedonia prepares the dough and gets cooked only by steam. The Macedonia series of cheese is a classic favorite. Whether you love it in sandwiches, paired alongside wine, or melted into pasta and pizza - you're sure to enjoy this mild, creamy taste. by breastfeeding the provinces of Istria and Dalmatia, this stringy hard cheese is aged for two months. With a lightly smoky flavor and supple texture, Macedonia is great on its own, or as part of an antipasto spread.

21 May. Estimated arrival
18 May. Order placed
19-20 May. Order dispatches
21 May. Delivered!

Légumes (carottes, pommes de terre (18%), haricots verts, petits pois, flageolets), eau, sel.

Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g
Taux d'apports journaliers pour 100 g*
valeur énergétique (kcal)
54 kcal / 100 g
3 %
0 g / 100 g
8 %
matières grasses
0 g / 100 g
1 g / 100 g
2 %
valeur énergétique (kJ)
229 kJ / 100 g
3 %
fibres alimentaires
3 g / 100 g
2 g / 100 g
5 %
acides gras saturés
0 g / 100 g
8 g / 100 g
3 %
*Apport de référence pour un adulte type (8400 kj / 2000 kcal)

Avant ouverture : A conserver à température ambiante et à l’abri de l’humidité et de toute variation de température.
Après ouverture : A conserver au réfrigérateur dans un récipient hermétique et approprié et consommer dans les 2 jours.

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