Knorr Soupe douceur de 8 legumes a la creme fraiche 0.5L

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Knorr takes fresh taste to new heights with Knorr 8 - a unique combination of 8 vegetables and herbs and pure cream. The pure vegetables and herbs are naturally flavored, while natural emulsifiers give them a creamy consistency. In a rich, creamy blend of potatoes, carrots, and fresh cream, Knorr Vegetable Soup is simply dippingsomely delicious. It brings your favorite vegetables to life as part of the main meal or as an instant snack. Kick up any meal with Knorr Vegetable Soup. Its rich, creamy flavor adds a delicious bite to soup and pasta dishes and can be used as a sauce over meat or fish. The 8-serving carton is convenient for family meals and functions as an ideal size and shape to store in the kitchen cupboard, making it easy to find in an emergency or on a weekly grocery shopping trip. Bring the world of taste and culture to your kitchen with Knorr Vegetable Soup. This vegetable soup, full of fresh ingredients and garden-fresh flavors, will completely change the way you look at canned soup. Knorr makes vegetables cook so much quicker! Just pour in the water, add some vegetables and the tasty ingredients will cook for 10 minutes. In our Knorr range, you’ll find flavor products designed to make your cooking easier and even more delicious.

21 May. Estimated arrival
18 May. Order placed
19-20 May. Order dispatches
21 May. Delivered!

NOTRE RECETTE Ingrédients : eau, carotte¹ : 15%, tomate¹ : 10%, pomme de terre¹ : 6%, CRÈME fraîche : 4,1%, courge¹ : 3%, amidon de maïs, oignon¹ : 2,1%, poireau¹ : 1,8%, sucre de canne, CELERI-RAVE¹ : 1,1%, petit pois¹ : 1,1%, sel, BEURRE, aromates (ail, racine de livèche). Peut contenir céréales contenant du GLUTEN, MOUTARDE, ŒUF, SOJA. ¹Légumes issus de l’agriculture durable. 40,1% de légumes¹ (incluant la pomme de terre).

Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 mL
valeur énergétique (kJ)
186 kJ / 100 mL
valeur énergétique (kcal)
44 kcal / 100 mL
matières grasses
1.8 g / 100 mL
acides gras saturés
1 g / 100 mL
6.1 g / 100 mL
2.9 g / 100 mL
fibres alimentaires
0.8 g / 100 mL
0.7 g / 100 mL
0.67 g / 100 mL
Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 250 mL
Taux d'apports journaliers pour 250 mL*
valeur énergétique (kJ)
466 kJ / 250 mL
valeur énergétique (kcal)
111 kcal / 250 mL
matières grasses
4.4 g / 250 mL
6 %
acides gras saturés
2.5 g / 250 mL
13 %
15 g / 250 mL
6 %
7.3 g / 250 mL
8 %
fibres alimentaires
2.1 g / 250 mL
1.6 g / 250 mL
3 %
1.7 g / 250 mL
28 %
*Apport de référence pour un adulte type (8400 kj / 2000 kcal)

Le mode de préparation et d'emballage de cette soupe sont la garantie de sa conservation. Avant ouverture, conserver à température ambiante. Après ouverture, conserver au frais et consommer dans les 48 h.

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