Bledine cereales choco-biscuitee des 12 mois 400g

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Your baby will love Bledine Cereals chocolate-biscuit flavour from the age of 12 months. Only a spoonful with water is enough. Bledine Cereals are rich in proteins and iron, for healthy cognitive development and sensory and motor skills. Bledine Cereals chocolate-biscuit flavour is a nutritious breakfast cereal suitable from 12 months. It has been specially developed with expert support from paediatric nutritionists to provide balanced nutrition that helps promote the growth and development of your child's body and mind. Discover the fun inside the Bledine Cereals tin! The adult version of this baby cereal is here. This Bledine Cereals chocolate-biscuit flavour is made with four cereals, including oats and biscuit pieces, to offer a tasty start to exciting daytimes. Open up the tasty packaging and enjoy the chocolate-biscuit aroma. Be sure to hide your tin in a safe place so that no one will find it. You don't want any little hands getting into your cupboard. Bledine Cereals' chocolate-biscuit flavour makes a delicious treat for kids aged 12 months+. It's carbs are specifically chosen to be easy on little tummies, not just taste or texture.

21 May. Estimated arrival
18 May. Order placed
19-20 May. Order dispatches
21 May. Delivered!

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