Stephan Terrine de campagne a l'ancienne au piment d'Espelette

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Our Stéphane Terrine de campagne à l'ancienne au piment d'espelette is a traditional French terrine made with high quality meats, expertly blended with aromatic herbs and spices. Infused with the rich and bold flavors of piment d'espelette, this terrine is a true delicacy that will transport your taste buds to the charming countryside of France. Enjoy it with a crusty baguette and a glass of red wine for a truly authentic experience.

21 May. Estimated arrival
18 May. Order placed
19-20 May. Order dispatches
21 May. Delivered!

Gorge de porc*, foie de porc*, gras de porc*, couenne de porc*, oignons, blanc d'oeuf, sel , fécule de pomme de terre, piment d'Espelette 0.6%, poivre, ail.

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