GARBIT Plat cuisine couscous royal la boite de 1,25kg

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (2)

Garbit Couscous royal dish 1,250kg box is an incredibly brilliant product to be used in the kitchen and it makes your cooking even more fun! An excellent gift for your dear ones. Couscous from Garbit is a special, extra-fine couscous grind made from the finest gourmet semolina wheat. Couscous royal grads two times finer than standard couscous to deliver an experience that is both delicate and light, allowing the hallmark Garbit taste of each grain to shine through. Couscous Royal has a larger flake size than other sizes of Garbit couscous so that it holds up to assorted ingredients usually added to a saucy filling or served on their own as in the case of some seafood products. Couscous royal makes an excellent stuffing for vegetables, lobster, or an elegant addition to any entree or side course. It can also be prepared with a broth or in a soup which brings out its subtle flavor and texture making it more like delicate pasta than a pasta substitute. Royal couscous, a traditional couscous beautifully shaped to wind around a cone of paper and eventually, in the form of steaming top with a natural grained yellow we produce by hand. Made from grain grown on the fertile plains of the southern Atlas mountains using traditional methods, ROYAL COUSCOUS is unlike anything you’ve ever tasted.

21 May. Estimated arrival
18 May. Order placed
19-20 May. Order dispatches
21 May. Delivered!

1 boîte de garniture légumes et viande 1000 g :
Eau, morceaux de cuisses de poulet* non désossés 10 %, carottes, courgettes, pulpe de tomate (morceaux de tomate, jus de tomate), merguez précuite 4,8 % (viande de bovin*, viande d'ovin*, eau, gras de bovin*, gras d'ovin*, épices et plante aromatique, sel, dextrose, sirop de glucose, arômes naturels, piment), navets, boulettes de viande 3,6 % (viande de dinde*, eau, gras de mouton*, chapelure (farine de BLÉ, eau, sel, levure), oignon en poudre, sel, ail, arômes, menthe), oignons, pois chiches réhydratés, poivrons, triple concentré de tomate, sel, épices et plantes aromatiques 0,2 % (dont CELERI), ail en poudre, arômes naturels, épaississants : farine de graines de caroube et gomme guar.
1 coupelle de semoule de BLÉ dur précuite à la vapeur : 250 g.
1 sachet d'épices naturelles et plantes aromatiques moulues.
* Boeuf et volaille d'origine Union Européenne et mouton d'origine Union Européenne et Nouvelle Zélande.

Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g
valeur énergétique (kJ)
524 kJ / 100 g
valeur énergétique (kcal)
124 kcal / 100 g
matières grasses
2 g / 100 g
acides gras saturés
0 g / 100 g
17 g / 100 g
1 g / 100 g
fibres alimentaires
2 g / 100 g
6 g / 100 g
0 g / 100 g

A consommer de préférence avant la date inscrite sur le fond de la boîte
Après préparation, à conserver 48h max à 4°C.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

Nice even if I prefer the home made

guy audibert

pas encore deguste