Heinz Sauce Andalouse pimentee & Onctueuse 220g Heinz Sauce Andalouse pimentee & Onctueuse 220g

Heinz Sauce Andalouse pimentee & Onctueuse 220g


Heinz Spicy & Creamy Andalusian Sauce 220g is made in Spain. Perfect with fish, chicken, and meat. Spicier, creamier, and extra delicious; this sauce has an authentic Andalusian taste that's unlike any other. Try it on pizza, with grilled chicken or fish, in pasta or rice dishes, or as a dip for vegetable sticks and crudites. This sauce has a spicy and creamy pepper taste with a hint of garlic. The andalusian sauce is perfect for marinating chicken and trout. It is also delicious in salads and with grilled vegetables. This delicious combination of Andalusian peppers and sun-ripened tomatoes is the perfect partner for your favorite foods. Pair it with grilled fish, chicken, pork, or other grilled meat for an instant flavor explosion. Gently smoked paprika and plenty of fresh chilies give this premium sauce a Spanish flavor, while the tomatoes and extra virgin olive oil add a rich taste. Add flavor to meat and vegetables for tasty tapas dishes or easy family meals. Enjoy a burst of intense flavor in every bite with this delicious sauce. The sauce brings together a harmonized blend of D.O.P. Andalusian extra-virgin olive oil and Spicy & Creamy chili, made with freshly roasted hazelnuts from Jaen, one of Andalusia's leading production areas for hazelnuts.