Malabar Chewing-gum assortiment 214g Malabar Chewing-gum assortiment 214g

Malabar Chewing-gum assortiment 214g


Everyone loves Malabar Chewing Gum Assortment. It's really fun to let your friends try this because you'll find that it's not only popular among children, but also among grown-ups! And don't forget to let them try the other exciting flavors too, like Black Magic With its unique flavor, this one is sure to be the star of your gum assortment! Also has double-layer flavors such as White Mint and Tropical Twist. Malabar assortments are a great way to try a selection of yummy chewing gum for a good value, and thus you can try the flavor you like best. Malabar chewing gum is the essence of long walks on the sands of Miami and the perfumes of Tahiti... A refreshing taste that leaves a sweeter taste lingering. This assortment contains 4 types of Malabar chewing gums: original, tropical, black, and mango... Four different flavors lead you to discover an exotic world. Malabar Chewing Gum, with its very good taste, is the only gum of its kind in the Indian market. Malabar chewing gum has been around for many years and probably is one of the most famous gums in India. The box is beautifully embossed with gold and contains an assortment of lemon, mint, and coffee flavors.