Gerble Biscuits complet au germe de ble 210g
Your kids will love eating wholesome Gerble Whole Wheat Germ cookies. Full of fiber and crunchy, they are a great snack for the whole family. Discover for yourself the crunchy taste of Gerble Whole wheat - the best breakfast treat in the whole world. Made from coarsely ground whole grains, Gerble Whole Wheat Germ Cookies are packed with flavor and held together with a light honey glaze. Experience the taste of France in a cookie! Gable's Whole Wheat Germ Cookies are delicious, nutritious and full of flavor. The natural goodness of whole wheat, honey and corn syrup, put into tasty and individually wrapped cookies. Whole wheat germ cookies are made with whole grains and without trans fat. The tasty essences of orange peel and chocolate leaves a nice flavor in the mouth and energizing effect on the body. Soft and chewy whole wheat cookies, made from 100% pure whole wheat flour, packed with whole wheat germ. These delicious cookies are made with whole wheat flour and fresh, richly watered-down cream; they contain a particularly high amount of natural fibre and vitamins.
Farine complète de BLE 44,4%, farine de BLE, sucre de canne roux, huile de colza, germe de BLE 5,6%, fibres d'AVOINE, levain de SEIGLE déshydraté, arômes naturels (extrait de malt d'ORGE), magnésium, émulsifiant : lécithines de colza, sel de mer, antioxydant : extrait naturel riche en tocophérols, protéines de LAIT, amidon de BLE, poudre à lever : carbonates d'ammonium, vitamines D, B6, B1, B9, E (LACTOSE, protéines de LAIT).
Fabriqué dans un atelier qui utilise des FRUTIS A COQUE, du LUPIN, du SESAME et du SOJA
Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g
Taux d'apports journaliers pour 100 g*
valeur énergétique (kJ)
1869 kJ / 100 g
22 %
valeur énergétique (kcal)
445 kcal / 100 g
22 %
matières grasses
14 g / 100 g
20 %
acides gras saturés
1.2 g / 100 g
6 %
66 g / 100 g
25 %
21 g / 100 g
23 %
fibres alimentaires
7.4 g / 100 g
10 g / 100 g
20 %
0.22 g / 100 g
4 %
vitamine D
0 g / 100 g
32 %
vitamine E
0.011 g / 100 g
92 %
vitamine B6
0 g / 100 g
29 %
0.169 g / 100 g
45 %
Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 8.4 g
Taux d'apports journaliers pour 8.4 g*
valeur énergétique (kJ)
156 kJ / 8.4 g
2 %
valeur énergétique (kcal)
37 kcal / 8.4 g
2 %
matières grasses
1.2 g / 8.4 g
2 %
acides gras saturés
0.1 g / 8.4 g
1 %
5.5 g / 8.4 g
2 %
1.8 g / 8.4 g
2 %
fibres alimentaires
0.6 g / 8.4 g
0.8 g / 8.4 g
2 %
0.02 g / 8.4 g
vitamine D
0 g / 8.4 g
3 %
vitamine E
0.001 g / 8.4 g
8 %
vitamine B6
0 g / 8.4 g
2 %
0.014 g / 8.4 g
4 %
*Apport de référence pour un adulte type (8400 kj / 2000 kcal)
A conserver dans un endroit frais et sec