LACTEL Lait de chevre demi-ecreme 1L

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There are no lactose, saturated fats or cholesterol in LACTEL Semi-skimmed goat milk. It's packed with high-quality proteins and fluid such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, which helps to build strong bones. The low fat content and natural sugars found in goats' milk do not affect blood cholesterol levels. Furthermore, goat's milk is compatible with the human body and ideal for individuals who are allergic to cow's milk. For those who are looking for a healthy drink alternative, Lactel Semi-skimmed Goat Milk will satisfy. This delicious dairy product is made with all natural ingredients and no artificial preservatives. A perfect drink to pair at breakfast, with your cereal or all on its own. This Semi-skimmed goat milk will give performance equal to that of skimmed. It will allow a full fat flavor with a noticeable result in your product. Thanks to its low fat content it is particularly perfect for fillings, desserts and rich spoonable creams. With an air-tight and lightproof pack, this semi-skimmed goat milk is perfect for keeping your products fresh. This natural and creamy semi-skimmed milk from our specially reared goats, is unpasteurized and contains high levels of essential fatty acids to help boost immunity.

Ingrédients : Ingrédients : LAIT de chèvre demi-écrémé, stabilisant E 339 ii
LAIT transformé dans un atelier conditionnant du LAIT de vache et de brebis.

Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 mL
Taux d'apports journaliers pour 100 mL*
valeur énergétique (kJ)
188 kJ / 100 mL
valeur énergétique (kcal)
45 kcal / 100 mL
matières grasses
1.5 g / 100 mL
acides gras saturés
1 g / 100 mL
4.5 g / 100 mL
4.5 g / 100 mL
3.3 g / 100 mL
0.18 g / 100 mL
0.12 g / 100 mL
15 %
*Apport de référence pour un adulte type (8400 kj / 2000 kcal)

Après ouverture, à conserver au froid (6°C max) et à consommer rapidement (sous 3 jours)

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