Panach Panache 0,35% bouteilles 1X25cl

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Panach Panache 0,35% has been specially formulated for young children that need to be protected from bad breath due to poor oral hygiene, like everything else from the range of professional products Panach, it is based on lactic acid, an active substance that is able to modulate the microbiota of the mouth and replace good bacteria in place of the harmful ones. Panach Panache is an oral liquid that effectively cleans the intestines, specifically the colon. It is composed of natural ingredients that facilitate the expulsion of fecal matter. This product has a pleasant mint flavor and contains no sugar or aspartame and has had no artificial flavors added. Panache is a drink that has been appreciated for over 30 years. A Panache is a perfect neutralizer and digestif, it is always pleasant to drink. It was created in an artisan workshop, and its sophisticated and exquisite taste has made it unmistakably popular. Panache consists of a dry white wine, combined with essences of citrus fruits and herbs. The last-second bubbles are preserved in the vacuum bottle and give a lively character to your wine. The Gourmet Edition introduces the well-known taste of lime for an unexpected, modern twist to the classic Panache.

14 Sep. Estimated arrival
11 Sep. Order placed
12-13 Sep. Order dispatches
14 Sep. Delivered!

Limonade (eau carbonatée, sucre, sirop de glucose, acidifiant : acidecitrique, antioxydant : acide ascorbique, arôme naturel), Bière (eau,malt d'ORGE, maïs, sirop de glucose, extraits de houblon, colorant :E150c). Céréales contenant du GLUTEN

Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 mL
valeur énergétique (kJ)
116 kJ / 100 mL
valeur énergétique (kcal)
27 kcal / 100 mL
matières grasses
0.6 g / 100 mL
acides gras saturés
0 g / 100 mL
6.3 g / 100 mL
5.7 g / 100 mL
0.5 g / 100 mL
0.01 g / 100 mL

A conserver à l'abri de la chaleur, de la lumière et de l'humidité. La date limite d'utilisation optimale est inscrite sur l'emballage du produit.


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