Vico Dixi a la tomate sans huile de palme 115g

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The Vico Dixi tomato puree with 5% tomato without palm oil is ideal to prepare appetizers, salads, traditional and fast dishes. It allows you to cook your food in an exciting way. They're making it tough to be a carnivore these days: new taxes, rising prices, and public-relations backlash. But you can still enjoy beefsteak tomatoes on your sandwich if you grab one of these handy--but decidedly retro--canisters. The clean lines make the Vico Dixi great for the modern kitchen, especially if you have a limited amount of work space dedicated to food storage. But this isn't just another canister attached to a wire frame. There's art here, since the tomato image is printed in high resolution on specially coated paper (the coating protects the image against both light and water damage). The Dixi mix with tomatoes is a delicious snack made from carefully selected, triple-selected tomatoes which are then mixed with ripe red and green tomatoes. These are chopped, mixed with sunflower seeds, shelled almonds and sesame seeds and finally seasoned with a dash of chili and a pinch of salt. The result is a healthy but tasty treat that is perfect to pop in your bag when you're on the go!

17 Sep. Estimated arrival
14 Sep. Order placed
15-16 Sep. Order dispatches
17 Sep. Delivered!

Semoule de maïs 47%, ARACHIDES grillées 18%, huile de tournesol, tomate 13%, sel, paprika, dextrose, extraits d'épices. Traces éventuelles de LAIT, FRUITS A COQUE.

Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g
Taux d'apports journaliers pour 100 g*
valeur énergétique (kJ)
2074 kJ / 100 g
7 %
valeur énergétique (kcal)
497 kcal / 100 g
7 %
matières grasses
27 g / 100 g
12 %
acides gras saturés
3.2 g / 100 g
5 %
50 g / 100 g
6 %
8.7 g / 100 g
3 %
10 g / 100 g
6 %
1.76 g / 100 g
9 %
*Apport de référence pour un adulte type (8400 kj / 2000 kcal)

A conserver à l'abri de la chaleur et de l'humidité.


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