NESTLE Viennois mousse liegeoise au chocolat 8x90g

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Indulge in rich, creamy NESTLE Viennois chocolate mousse. This indulgent dessert with a light vanilla cream filling and chocolate topping is perfect for special occasions or for when you just want to spoil yourself. Let yourself be swept away!! with the light, fluffy and creamy taste of Viennois chocolate mousse. Delicately spiced to perfection and served with a light lavender flavor, this dessert will make a culinary masterpiece. Enjoy its creamy appearance and find yourself lost in a sea of relaxation as you enjoy each mouth-watering bite. For a long time, chocolate lovers were forced to choose between two things: hot chocolate or melted chocolate. Finally, that battle is over! Your favorite hot chocolate treat is packed in the same convenient can that you know and love, but with a velvety mousse center. So indulge without regret - Abet Lait Viennois is your secret weapon for happiness. These viennois mousse bars are the perfect indulgence anytime. Light and rich, they're your ticket to pure chocolatey goodness. Viennois chocolate cream, with real milk and creamy mousse filling, enrobed in a delicate milk chocolate shell.

Ingrédients : LAIT entier (54,4%), crème (LAIT) (22,6%), sucre, sirop de glucose et
fructose, chocolat noir (1,5%) pâte de cacao, sucre, lécithine de tournesol, arôme naturel de vanille, cacao maigre en poudre, cacao en poudre, poudre de LAIT écrémé, arôme de vanille, épaississant (farine de graine de caroube), gélatine bovine, amidon et amidon modifié de maïs, émulsifiant (E472b). LAIT origine France

Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g
valeur énergétique (kJ)
705 kJ / 100 g
valeur énergétique (kcal)
169 kcal / 100 g
matières grasses
9.9 g / 100 g
acides gras saturés
6.6 g / 100 g
16.8 g / 100 g
15 g / 100 g
2.6 g / 100 g
0.09 g / 100 g

A conserver au frais à max. +6°C.

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