Parmentier Sardines Huile 135g

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An intense flavor that is bursting with pleasure. Parmentier Sardines Oil comes in a stylish glass jar and will add the taste of gourmet French cuisine to your favorite recipes, from appetizers to main courses to desserts. Try it in pasta sauces, mashed potatoes, or cream soups as well as vinaigrettes and pizzas. Stinky, delicious and nutritious. Parmentier Sardines in oil are the perfect healthy snack. Originally developed to feed crew members at sea, Parmentier's sardines are an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids. In addition to being gluten-free and kosher, these sardines have been found to lower cholesterol. Parmentier uses a careful mixture of fresh fish and virgin olive oil to maintain the best flavor. Fresh from the Mediterranean sea, find out what all the Viral Sardine Oil buzz is about by sharing this product with a friend. Parmentier Sardines in Extra Virgin Olive Oil are brined, pureed and cooked in the jar. They are a delicacy that is part of a delightful selection of treats in Heritage cans. Parmentier Sardines taste exquisite when served hot or cold as an appetizer, accompanied by a glass of chilled red wine.

21 May. Estimated arrival
18 May. Order placed
19-20 May. Order dispatches
21 May. Delivered!

Ingrédients : SARDINES, huile de tournesol, sel

Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g
valeur énergétique (kJ)
955 kJ / 100 g
valeur énergétique (kcal)
229 kcal / 100 g
matières grasses
15 g / 100 g
acides gras saturés
3 g / 100 g
0 g / 100 g
0 g / 100 g
23.5 g / 100 g
1 g / 100 g

A conserver au réfrigérateur après ouverture et à consommer dans les 2 jours

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