Knorr Sauce au beurre blanc 300ml

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Knorr White Butter Sauce 300ml is a true classic product. Knorr is one brand that has been at the center of families and cooking for hundreds of years. Knorr products lead the way in flavor, convenience and taste, making everyday cooking extraordinary. Knorr is committed to ensuring all its products continue to provide delicious taste experiences for generations to come. The Knorr team continues to find new ways to bring people together through food. Stir up the taste of a delicious meal with Knorr White Butter Sauce. We combine great flavor and quality to deliver an easy and convenient sauce, perfect to enjoy on your next outing or get-together with family and friends. What's more, this sauce is ready to eat as soon as it has been heated, so you can enjoy the flavors of creamy buttery sauce in every bite. Once you've tried Knorr White Butter Sauce, you'll want to start using it with everything. This classic white sauce is a must-have in any kitchen, and here's why: It's delicious and versatile, works with a variety of meals and tastes great, is as easy to eat as pleasure itself. Knorr White Butter Sauce is perfect for adding a touch of flavor and color to your favorite dishes.

22 May. Estimated arrival
19 May. Order placed
20-21 May. Order dispatches
22 May. Delivered!

Ingrédients : eau, BEURRE : 15%, amidon modifié de maïs, vinaigre, sel, jus d'échalote¹ concentré : 0,6%, exhausteur de goût : glutamate de sodium, protéines de LAIT, sucre, extrait de vin blanc, huile de tournesol, arôme (dont POISSON), jus de carotte concentré, ail, jus de citron concentré. Peut contenir : GLUTEN, CELERI, MOUTARDE, ŒUF, SOJA. ¹Ingrédient issu de l'agriculture durable.

Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 75 mL
Taux d'apports journaliers pour 75 mL*
valeur énergétique (kJ)
429 kJ / 75 mL
5 %
valeur énergétique (kcal)
104 kcal / 75 mL
5 %
matières grasses
9.6 g / 75 mL
14 %
acides gras saturés
6.3 g / 75 mL
32 %
3.6 g / 75 mL
1 %
0.5 g / 75 mL
1 %
fibres alimentaires
0.5 g / 75 mL
0.5 g / 75 mL
1 %
0.86 g / 75 mL
14 %
Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 mL
valeur énergétique (kJ)
572 kJ / 100 mL
valeur énergétique (kcal)
138 kcal / 100 mL
matières grasses
13 g / 100 mL
acides gras saturés
8.5 g / 100 mL
4.9 g / 100 mL
0.7 g / 100 mL
fibres alimentaires
0.5 g / 100 mL
0.7 g / 100 mL
1.2 g / 100 mL
*Apport de référence pour un adulte type (8400 kj / 2000 kcal)

Avant ouverture, conserver à température ambiante dans un endroit sec. Après ouverture, conserver au réfrigérateur et consommer dans les 48 h.

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