The French created the omelet in the mid-1600s, but they weren't the first to cook eggs in a pan. There's evidence of fried eggs (and possibly other egg preparations) from ancient Rome, where cooks might have used olive oil or lard to fry them.
While there are countless ways to cook eggs, some methods are more popular than others. Here's a look at some of the most common and beloved egg dishes.
Boiled eggs that are cooked until both the white and yolk are firm. The yolk color can range from bright yellow to dark brown, depending on how long it's cooked.
The egg is fried on both sides until the white is set and the yolk is still runny. Fried eggs can be cooked over easy (the whites are fully cooked, but the yolks remain runny), over medium (the whites and yolks are partially cooked), or over hard (the whites and yolks are fully cooked).
The egg is cracked directly into simmering water, where it cooks until the white is set and the yolk is still runny. Poached eggs can also be made by cracking an.
French Scrambled eggs
You may have heard of French toast, but what about French scrambled eggs?
It's not a thing the French invented, but they make scrambled eggs differently from others.
- The difference lies in the texture of the eggs. The French prefer their eggs creamy, almost like custard while others like their scrambled eggs fluffy.
The French refer to scrambled eggs as omelet brouillée. However, the most common way to make scrambled eggs is in a double boiler or bain-marie. The water should be simmering and not boiling.
- The double boiler is an important aspect of the procedure as it ensures that the eggs are cooked at a low temperature for a long period. This makes for soft, tender eggs with very few lumps.
- Once the water is simmering, put the top portion of the double boiler on top and beat your raw eggs with salt, pepper, and cream (optional). You can also add shredded cheese, spinach, or other herbs at this point if you wish.
- Pour the mixture into the top of the double boiler and use a wooden spoon to stir continuously while scraping the bottom so that no egg sticks to it.
- Once the eggs are almost ready, remove them from heat and continue stirring until ready. If you have added cheese or any other ingredients that require further cooking (e.g., spinach), then continue stirring until done.
French Jelly eggs
The French jelly egg is a popular Easter candy in France. The egg is hollow and made of caramelized sugar. It contains a surprise inside, like a small toy or piece of jewelry. The eggs are often displayed in pretty boxes, and some even have labels that describe the contents.
The French jelly egg was invented in 1848 by Candie's founder Jean Neuhaus when his wife gave him chocolate bonbons to sell at his pharmacy. They became so popular that he had to find a way to make chocolates more attractive and appealing to customers of all ages. Therefore, he created the first French jelly egg, filled with strawberry jam and covered with a sugar-coated chocolate shell. In the beginning, this egg was only produced during the springtime and then sold throughout Europe as an Easter treat for children. However, it has since become one of Candie's most popular candies with adults and kids alike!
- The French jelly egg is a traditional Easter treat only available during the Easter period. The egg itself is made of milk chocolate, and inside, you will find a toy.
- These are not like your regular chocolate eggs - they are not filled with chocolate or cream but a gelatin-based substance that can be flavored and colored to mimic different aspects of life.
- The most popular flavor for these eggs is strawberry, but other flavors are available, such as lemon and orange.
What are French-style Scrambled eggs?
You can make scrambled eggs a few different ways. The most common way is to add some milk or cream and salt and pepper, beat them until the whites and yolks are combined, then cook them in butter over medium-low heat, stirring them constantly with a rubber spatula as they cook.
French-style scrambled eggs use the same general method, but there's one additional step that makes all the difference:
- After you combine the eggs, milk, salt, and pepper, you let them rest for 20 to 30 minutes before cooking them. During this time, the eggs absorb more liquid, which helps make your final scrambled eggs softer and tenderer. (It also means that French scrambled eggs are somewhat more forgiving when it comes to overcooking.)

To make French-style scrambled eggs:
Combine the eggs with a splash of milk or cream and a generous pinch of salt and pepper in a bowl. Beat together until smooth. Let the mixture rest for 20 to 30 minutes.
Heat 1 tablespoon butter in a nonstick pan over medium-low heat until melted. Add the egg mixture and cook, constantly stirring with a rubber spatula or wooden spoon, until large curds form — about 5 minutes. You want your spatula to move through the eggs easily without sticking.
French Scrambled eggs are so good
French scrambled eggs are fluffy, creamy, and delicious. They're also quite different from Britain-style eggs. French scrambled eggs are made without milk or cream and any butter in the pan, so they're much lower in fat. They're light and airy with a delicate flavor.
- The French technique breaks the yolks and whites up into small bits as you stir them over low heat on the stovetop, which creates a soft, creamy texture.
- You can serve these eggs with buttered toast or fresh slices of baguette for dipping if you like.
Ensure that you do not let the eggs cook too quickly, or they will get rubbery and possibly overcooked in some spots.
Are French Scrambled eggs undercooked?
It all depends on your taste.
If you like your yolks to be runny when they are served, then yes, they will be runny. If you like your yolks to be cooked through, then no, they won't be.
I enjoy the French-style scrambled eggs and their runny yolk (although I'm not a fan of runny egg whites). But this is just my personal preference.
How French eat their eggs?
The French like to eat their eggs at breakfast. I know, it's shocking. But they don't do eggs in the same way as the Britain.
- I appreciate the French breakfast because it's not very caloric and doesn't contain a lot of sugar. A typical French breakfast consists of some pastries, fresh bread or baguette, butter, jam or honey, cheese or yogurt, and coffee or tea. Also, you don't have options like pancakes, waffles, cereal, or another high in sugar and fat like you do in the UK.
French people will sometimes have eggs for breakfast. Eggs are usually cooked hard-boiled with salt and pepper. Soft-boiled eggs are also very popular, and you can even find them on restaurant menus for breakfast (and lunch).
- The best way to cook soft-cooked eggs is to put them in boiling water for 3 minutes, so they're still liquid inside but cooked on the outside. Then, please put them in cold water until they're cold enough to peel easily.
- The most famous way of eating soft-boiled eggs is with a special spoon.
They eat only one egg per breakfast because they want to focus on the quality of their food instead of the quantity. One egg is perfect to start your day because it will provide you with all the nutrients you need for a good beginning of your day. It's enough to have potatoes and vegetables for lunch and dinner, so it's a balanced diet as well.
Pasteurized French eggs
In France, you can find eggs of different colors (blue, brown) and origins (free-range, organic). But what we didn't know is that eggs are pasteurized in France.
The French law requires all eggs sold in the country to be pasteurized. The method of fast heating kills the bacteria and preserves the nutritional value. It's recommended to use this kind of egg for all recipes that call for raw egg, like mayonnaise and Caesar salad dressing.
Pasteurized eggs are not available in every country. This is why they're called "French" eggs in some countries, including the UK.
French poached eggs
Eggs are poached in a pan of gently simmering water. French chefs say this is the best way to cook an egg because it produces perfect eggs every time.
How do perfect poached eggs turn out so well?
There is a little salt in the water and a drop of vinegar to make the whites firm up.
Poached eggs are good for breakfast and salads.
- You can poach eggs ahead of time and keep them in the fridge for a few days. Or you can freeze them for later use.
- Poaching is a heat transfer method that indirectly cooks food. It's often used for delicate foods such as eggs, fish, and fruit because it gently cooks food without oil or fat.
- It's perfect for cooking various eggs because it allows for an actual process, meaning the eggs will be evenly cooked with no overcooked parts. Another benefit to poaching is that the eggs stay relatively intact, so they are great for stacking on top of each other.
Poached eggs are easy to make – you crack an egg into a pan of simmering water and let the egg cook until the whites are set and the yolks runny. However, if you want your poached eggs to look like the ones in restaurants, you might want to try these tips:
French eggs in ramekins
French eggs in ramekins (called oeufs en cocotte) are eggs baked in individual ramekins, decorated and served with a sauce. The sauce can be either tomato or cream-based (or both).
When making French eggs in ramekins, it's best to use fresh, free-range eggs. They have thicker and stronger shells, making them easier to handle.
Crack an egg directly into the ramekin and season with salt and pepper.
Place the ramekins on a tray and bake at 180°C/350°F for approximately 10 minutes, or until the white is cooked but the yolk is still runny.
French eggs Benedict
The egg yolk is the undisputed king of brunch, and French Eggs Benedict is a great way to showcase it. It's soft, creamy, and golden — everything a perfect yolk should be.
The only problem: is that perfect egg yolk is hard to make. Overcooking it in the poaching liquid or pan will make it tough and grey, while undercooking it can result in a runny mess.
Achieving the perfect yolk every time is easier than you think.
There are just two key techniques: spinning and shocking.
The first step to getting a nice round yolk is shaping it before cooking. A quick spin in a food processor will help the egg white tighten around the yolk, forming a more spherical shape that looks great atop your English muffin. It's also much easier to peel this way!
After cooking them, the second technique is shocking your poached eggs in ice water. This stops the cooking process so you can safely store them for later use without affecting their texture or appearance. Just remember to warm them up before serving!
Eggs Benedict is one of those dishes that sound so fancy, and it makes you feel like you're eating in a restaurant. You may be surprised to know that this brunch classic is surprisingly easy to make at home!
This recipe uses a classic Hollandaise Sauce — a French sauce made with butter, egg yolks, lemon juice, and salt. But instead of serving it over grilled asparagus or steamed spinach like the French do, we've opted for delicious English muffins topped with Canadian bacon.
So, if you love eggs but hate how boring they can be, it's time you learned about the French way with eggs. This blog will help you to make your breakfast special, from poaching eggs to the perfect omelet!