BROSSARD Pain d'epices au miel le paquet de 350 g
Introducing our new BROSSARD Gingerbread with honey 350g package. Our traditional gingersnap biscuit recipe is made with Canadian maple syrup and Canadian black molasses. Our gingerbread has managed to impress families the world over with its recipe, which combines bits of sweet and spicy ginger with a hint of true vanilla essence. We bake it without preservatives and add nothing but the finest ingredients. In fact, our Brossard Gingerbread with honey 350g package is made with simple ingredients you'll recognize: fresh eggs, sugar, butter, and all-natural honey. Discover a new way to savor the holidays this Christmas with our newest selection of BROSSARD Gingerbread with honey. The delicious gingerbread with a touch of honey is made using an artisanal recipe from the heart of Quebec, crafted by hand and dipped in real honey. Serve this delectable treat warm or at room temperature, on its own, or with vanilla ice cream for an unforgettable meal. There's so much to love about our gingerbread this season, we can't just choose one thing! The warm aromatic spice, the chewy gooey inside... The best is yet to come. So, this holiday season enjoys it as you please. Whether you're spreading it on a cookie… sharing it with your family… or just looking for something sweet at the end of a long day, we think you'll find it delicious in your favorite treat!
Ingrédients : Farine de SEIGLE, sirop de glucose-fructose, eau, miel (8%), farine de BLÉ malté, sucre caramélisé, poudres à lever : carbonates de sodium, diphosphates, sucre, sel, huile de colza, arômes, conservateur : acide sorbique, mélange d'épices (dont cannelle)..
Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g
Taux d'apports journaliers pour 100 g*
valeur énergétique (kcal)
66 kcal / 100 g
0 g / 100 g
3 %
matières grasses
0 g / 100 g
7 g / 100 g
9 %
valeur énergétique (kJ)
280 kJ / 100 g
3 %
fibres alimentaires
0 g / 100 g
0 g / 100 g
1 %
acides gras saturés
0 g / 100 g
15 g / 100 g
6 %
*Apport de référence pour un adulte type (8400 kj / 2000 kcal)