Pates Coquillettes LUSTUCRU la boite de 250 g

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Lustucru coquillettes, made in France, carefully selected ingredients and careful cooking for an even more tasty product. Lustucru: the brand of pasta, rice and cereals. Since 1906, the company has been mastering the craft of wheat processing, from sowing to packaging. For this coquillettes with fresh eggs, we select the best spring wheats and delicate semola. We match them together to obtain always a high-quality pasta to draw your pleasure. Lustucru Coquillettes with fresh eggs, made in France. They are made with fresh eggs, the sauce they bring out is extraordinary and they have a very intense pasta flavor. Ideal for 4 to 6 people. Lustucru Coquillettes with fresh eggs popularity goes hand in hand with their delicious taste. Perfectly smooth and golden yellow, they are France’s favorite pasta shape in terms of household penetration and volume. You can taste them with a sauce or a dish, in soups and savory flans, or simply sprinkled with parmesan cheese. Since 1889, Lustucru has produced high quality pasta that is good value for money. This box of coquillettes is made from durum wheat and uses fresh eggs. These Coquillettes fit perfectly with stew or with mozzarella, vegetables and tomatoes, a real delight!

12 Sep. Estimated arrival
09 Sep. Order placed
10-11 Sep. Order dispatches
12 Sep. Delivered!

Ingrédients : Semoule de BLE dur de qualité supérieure, OEUFS frais (13.5%)

Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g
Taux d'apports journaliers pour 100 g*
valeur énergétique (kJ)
1573 kJ / 100 g
valeur énergétique (kcal)
372 kcal / 100 g
matières grasses
3.5 g / 100 g
acides gras saturés
0.8 g / 100 g
70 g / 100 g
6 g / 100 g
fibres alimentaires
3 g / 100 g
3 %
13.5 g / 100 g
0.064 g / 100 g
*Apport de référence pour un adulte type (8400 kj / 2000 kcal)

A conserver dans un endroit frais et sec


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