Treblec Farine de sarrasin 100% ble noir 1kg

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (3)

Treblec Buckwheat flour 100% black wheat 1kg. Treblec is the most trusted brand when it comes to buckwheat flour and is a product of choice among many Japanese food lovers. This 100% black buckwheat flour is high in protein, minerals and dietary fiber yet low in fat, sugar and salt content. It can be used to create healthy delicious cuisine for all the family and offers a very unique flavor profile not found with cereal flours that we would normally come across when cooking western style or japanese style dishes. Treblec buckwheat flour is 100% black wheat so it has a rich taste. It can be used for many dishes especially pancakes and noodles as it has a soft and tender texture. Treblec's buckwheat black wheat flour is made from 100% black wheat, making it rich in nutrients. It's perfect for creating pancakes, pastas, and more. With a robust flavor, why not try baking it into muffins or super healthy hamburger buns? Treblec buckwheat flour is made from high quality Korean black wheat. You can trust the quality and satisfaction of this Korean product. We will deliver our products before your service life is over to minimize your failure risk.

14 Sep. Estimated arrival
11 Sep. Order placed
12-13 Sep. Order dispatches
14 Sep. Delivered!

Farine de sarrasin (dit de BLÉ noir), GLUTEN

Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g
valeur énergétique (kJ)
1436 kJ / 100 g
valeur énergétique (kcal)
338 kcal / 100 g
matières grasses
3.17 g / 100 g
acides gras saturés
0.7 g / 100 g
70 g / 100 g
2.6 g / 100 g
fibres alimentaires
5 g / 100 g
12 g / 100 g
0.022 g / 100 g
0.011 g / 100 g

A conserver à l'abri de la chaleur et de l'humidité. A consommer de préférence avant la date indiquée sur l'emballage.


Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
great find

Very happy to find this flour in the uk and service was good.

Solene Clemmetsen

Excellent produits et service

Laure Airault

Tres bon produit pour mes galettes demain (la Chandeleur) !