William Saurin Choucroute Garnie 800g

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Sauerkraut is a great all rounder and can be been used in stews, casseroles or just with a bit of butter and cut open hot dogs. It is made from premium cabbage that has been shredded, matured and then processed by our specially designed 'high tech' equipment. It contains no artificial preservatives and still uses the same production method pioneered in 1880 by William Saurin. Sauerkraut  flavor explosion!  Sauerkraut joins the family of Delicious Food from William Saurin. Made with fresh farm-picked cabbage, it's naturally fermented and packed in a specially developed calcium-rich environment that helps retain vital nutrients. It's naturally low in fat and cholesterol free. Delicate and delicious, Saurin plates the sauerkraut individually by hand for a sauerkraut full of texture. Its delicate texture is perfect in salads or as a side dish. Saurin carefully flavors each plate, so it's rich in taste, with just the right amount of acidity that compliments sandwiches, crepes and all your dishes. Available in 350g or 800g packs. Sauerkraut is a delicious and healthy side dish that brings something special to just about any meal. Just one taste and you'll be convinced - Saurin sauerkraut is irresistible.

14 Sep. Estimated arrival
11 Sep. Order placed
12-13 Sep. Order dispatches
14 Sep. Delivered!

Choucroute précuite 42%, eau, saucisses et saucisson fumés (viande et gras de porc, eau, viande de dinde, pièces de tête de porc, farine de BLE, couenne de porc, protéines de SOJA, sel, gélifiant: Algues Euchema transformées, arômes naturels, épices, stabilisants: diphosphates,polyphosphates), viande de porc préparée en salaison (viande de porc, eau, sel, stabilisants: triphosphates, polyphosphates), saindoux, vin blanc, baies de genièvre, oignon en poudre, graines de cumin, sel, épice.
Total charcuterie et viande : 22,5% du poids net total.
Viandes d'origine Union Européenne

Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g
valeur énergétique (kJ)
348 kJ / 100 g
valeur énergétique (kcal)
84 kcal / 100 g
matières grasses
6.5 g / 100 g
acides gras saturés
2.4 g / 100 g
1.4 g / 100 g
0.3 g / 100 g
fibres alimentaires
2.4 g / 100 g
3.7 g / 100 g
1 g / 100 g

A consommer de préférence avant la date inscrite sur l'un des couvercles.
Après ouverture, à conserver 48h max à 4°C


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