We’re excited to announce that we have partnered with twio to add purpose to your shopping experience.
For every purchase, we'll be donating 1% of the total price to your cause of choice, at no cost to you. Here's how it works…
- Place your order as normal
- We'll email you a donation code that you can redeem with twio
- Tell twio a little bit about yourself and your values and they'll help you find the perfect nonproft to support
- Every time you shop with us, we’ll automatically send you more donation tokens to top up your account
More information on twio’s nonprofit network
Twio is committed to helping each and every user find the perfect nonprofit partner.
Every nonprofit promoted on the twio platform has been vetted and assessed based on numerous criteria including impact to date, plans for the future, need and team experience.
Twio uses the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal framework to assess and onboard nonprofit organisations, so you can rest assured that the organisations you are supporting are tackling pressing issues in line with global priorities.
La Team Mon Panier Latin